The FIDES module of Reliability Workbench is created using the FIDES standard, this standard was produced by companies in the FIDES Group, under the supervision of the Direction générale de l’armement (DGA).

What's in FIDES?

The Reliability Workbench FIDES section of the Prediction module allows users to make a realistic evaluation of the reliability of electronic products including those that encounter severe or non-aggressive environments. It does so using the guidelines set in the FIDES Guide 2009 Edition A and takes into consideration:

  • The existence of models both for Electrical, Electronic and Electromagnetic components, and for electronic boards or some sub-assemblies.
  • Electrical, mechanical and thermal over-stresses.
  • Failures related to the development, production, operation and maintenance processes.

The FIDES prediction module allows users to easily modify component parameters and system phase profiles and instantly view the impact these changes have on the system reliability.

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